This is a re-release of Hakuoki or Demon of the Fleeting Blossom: The Tale of the Shinsengumi. This version was broken into two halves - Kyoto Winds and Edo Blossoms, and sold separately. Both are needed to fully enjoy the story.
Circa 1860s Japan, a girl named Chizuru Yukimura disguises herself as a boy to search for her missing father and is taken in by the Shinsengumi organization due to her father having developed a "Water of Life" elixir. This potion turns anyone who drinks it into a powerful vampire-like creature called a "Fury" or "Rakshasa", and certain rogue individuals now threaten the area. A group claiming to be "Demons" also try to periodically abduct Chizuru.
Kyoto Winds: This is the first half of the story and is comprised almost entirely of the common route which ends abruptly and on a light cliffhanger. While some might be put off by an hours long common route, I found it rather engaging and necessary to establishing the 12 love interests: who they are, their personalities, loyalties, and goals. There is a focus on slice-of-life moments in order to weave the friendships and rivalries of the massive cast. For such a large cast of characters they are all very diverse in personality and have preexisting histories with each other, giving the player multifaceted perspectives of the characters through the different routes. There is also a lot going on between multiple historic battles, 12 historic figures, and supernatural entities which can become a bit overwhelming to keep up with. Most of the major historical events and politics are only mentioned in passing, so it can be kind of hard to keep up unless you already have an existing interest in the history of Japan or are willing to do some additional research.

Edo Blossoms: This is the second half of the story which is comprised almost entirely of character routes. Edo Blossoms is where the paths of the various bachelors diverge, and unlike some other titles in the genre, the player can experience the varying sides of the guys without any of them feeling inconsistent. The stories vary widely but will usually contain the deaths of at least some of the Shinsengumi, and will resolve (at least partially) the conflict with Chizuru's father and the Demons. Edo Blossoms includes some content that was not in the original game release, such as previously skipped characters like Yamazaki, Sannan, and Nagakura. There are also three new guys: Iba, Souma, and Sakamoto (mentioned in the old game, but never appeared).

As a protagonist Chizuru Yukimura is your standard weak damsel with virtually no skills or likes and dislikes. She exists solely to be saved again and again by the men she lives with. I think what annoyed me the most was how these warriors repeatedly put themselves on the line for someone who is essentially dead weight and has no good reason to be there with them. Chizuru doesn't even have to be a badass or participate in the fights - I honestly don't think she would ever stand a chance - but a little more assertiveness or participation of some kind would've been nice. Too often she felt like an annoying child that insists on helping out their parents but only ends up preventing them from getting real work done. Perhaps the writers were worried that Chizuru having any skills outside of house work would diminish the imagine of her male protectors. I mean women had a number of restrictions imposed on them during that era, but then why did they give Chizuru a sword and have Kondou train with her? I wish they had left that part out if they weren't going to do anything with it. I could also buy Chizuru being representative of a woman from that era if Hakuoki were purely historical, but the story incorporates supernatural elements such as demons. Chizuru herself is also a "pure-blooded" Demon, but I never would've guessed she was anything other than human if the game hadn't told me otherwise. Outside of her healing abilities there is nothing remotely special about her. Even the imitation demons created from a human drinking the Water of Life serum appear to be more inhuman than Chizuru is. They possess super strength, speed, and healing abilities that surpasses anything Chizuru has. One bullet and Chizuru goes down. The "fakes" meanwhile can shrug off a firing squad.

Kyoto Winds is the first half of the Hakuoki visual novel, so it is an extra long common route plus one route chapter for each bachelor (starting at chapter 5) . As a result, a lot of the same events are revisited every playthrough, but can be skipped with the fast-forward feature that stops automatically whenever new content appears. There are eight to twelve points in every chapter where a choice will have to be made that will impact who Chizuru meets, which battles she'll witness, what information she becomes privy too, and what people she will bond with. Edo Blossoms is the part that actually delves into the different character paths. A Record of Service section enables the player to select a chapter or character route they have completed with either high or low romance. This feature is mostly useful for unlocking the multiple endings. There is one good ending for each bachelor, one unrequited love (bad) ending, and a handful of bad endings (mostly instant death scenarios).
There are a few typos and repeating words, which isn't uncommon with text heavy visual novels. Multiple sentences being condensed/translated to just a few words was unusual though, and the translations didn't always make sense colloquially in English; for example: (from prologue) "However, perhaps my overconfidence in myself is what served the situation at hand to me." Sometimes I would have to read the same sentence several times to understand what the game was trying to convey.
My route suggestions are as follows, accompanied by a brief discussion of the love interests and what I liked or disliked about them.
- Souji Okita
- Hajime Saito
- Sanosuke Harada
- Heisuke Toudou
- Shinpachi Nagakura - He was not an option in the original game release.
- Keisuke Sannan - He was not an option in the original game release.
- Susumu Yamazaki - He was not an option in the original game release.
- Hachiro Iba - A completely new addition.
- Kazue Souma - A completely new addition.
- Ryouma Sakamoto - A completely new addition.
- Toshizo Hijikata - The "main" according to official canon.
- Kazama Chikage - The main "big bad evil guy".
Chizuru has her own non-romance route where she discovers all the same stuff as the other routes minus a partner. Her father and the Shinsengumi all die in this route. I was really hoping for some gal-pal time hanging out with Sen, but alas.
Feel Free To Skip To Conclusion:
Sweet and sour in equal measure. I enjoyed his teasing personality, such as when he tormented a child for talking bad about Kondou. Okita's route is pretty romantic but also the least historical of the bunch because the person he is based on died from tuberculosis in real-life, so most of his route is made up. His relationship with Chizuru felt the most probable, as I could see someone like Chizuru, who has basic medical know-how, choosing to take care of him and becoming closer to him in the process. It was kinda hard to get attached to Okita though, knowing his time was limited. The final words of the epilogue even sounded like his dying farewell.
Stoic and quiet, Saito has immense willpower that he uses to tough out most of the Fury side effects. He is not one to openly shower Chizuru with affection, but you can tell that he is looking out for her in his every action. Nearly every major battle is featured in Saito's route, so his personal feelings take a backseat to the war, leading to a relationship with Chizuru that progresses slowly and subtly.
Perceptive and doting, Harada is easily the "cuddliest" with Chizuru. He constantly checks on Chizuru to make sure she is fine (even in the other bachelor routes), talks her through her troubles, and sets up hangout dates with Chizuru's lady friend when she is looking like she needs some girl time. A really nice, loving guy, and it was refreshing to not have to give blood to a Fury for once. I couldn't stand Chizuru's constant angst about being a demon though, or her spur of the moment attempts to run away. Harada's spontaneous hugging and kissing also had some pretty weird (and creepy) timing, like when Chizuru was crying over a failed escape attempt or just finished talking about having to kill her father.
Sincere and considerate, Toudou can appear upbeat on the outside but is surprisingly serious when he needs to be. His time with Chizuru at the tea house is an especially nice moment and he feels like the best fit for Chizuru. The two of them just clicked, probably because they are on relatively even footing in regards to age and skill. I was a little annoyed with his angst over choosing to become a Fury which mirrored Chizuru's demon angst in Harada's route and further emphasizes how similar Chizuru and Heisuke are. He never looks down on Chizuru and tries to coax her into finding another partner because he genuinely believes that she deserves better than what he can offer.
Headstrong and emotional, Nagakura is the sweet "older brother" figure and a bit of a handful. I don't think he had much chemistry with Chizuru or was ever really looking to get romantically involved with someone. I mean, he had to confirm with Chizuru what a "spouse" was. Nagakura was the least romantic and moved way too fast. He doesn't confess to liking Chizuru as more than a "little sister" until really late and proposes on the spot. Personally I think Nagakura and Chizuru are better off as platonic friends, because a romantic relationship between these two just doesn't feel organic or warranted.
He has condescending moments but is actually a gentle soul that is suffering a lot, and will go out of his way to take care of Chizuru in ways unspoken. Outside of his own route Sannan doesn't feel like someone Chizuru should be left alone with, so his personal route offers a nice change of perspective without breaking his character. For example, in all the other routes Sannan is very insistent on using Chizuru’s blood, but in his personal route he is the only Fury to do whatever Chizuru wants and experiences things with her on her terms, and so comes to change his views on it. He is not really a tsundere-type character and more of a person that is very logical and pragmatic but also unexpectedly genuine and caring. Their trip out of Japan in the ending seems to be a treacherous one though, and one they may not succeed in.
He is mostly outside of the politics and battles starting in Edo Blossoms, and has some pretty good romance. He consistently looks out for Chizuru's well being (relationship or no) and in every route you will see him tailing Chizuru or taking care of her in some way; and not in a creepy possessive-stalker kind of way, but genuinely caring for her as a friend and member of the group. He is a shy, mellow guy that treats Chizuru as an equal (even when it is undeserved) and goes out of his way to include her in the group's activities. It is the only relationship without a big confession, love reveal, or second-guessing. The two of them are on the same level and know when they're officially "together" without having to say it outright.
He is the 'forgotten childhood friend' trope and very openly likes Chizuru. His route felt the most contrived and had a lot of weird stuff in it, such as grafting a demon hand onto himself that then makes him really lustful for children with Chizuru. There is another guy that does the same thing with the other demon hand and also wants children with Chizuru. This was one of the rare times when I actually feared for Chizuru's safety on account of all the torture, forced blood feeding, threats of rape, and sex slave stuff. It was just way too vulgar and fetish fueled for me. This route also had the most irredeemably disgusting villain and I am not entirely clear on how long Iba put Chizuru into a coma for during the ending... days? Months? Years? Or what happened during that time.
The young and dedicated greenhorn trying to figure out his life. He seems close in age and life experience to Chizuru, so the two of them feel like they're on the same page most of the time. He is one of the more inexperienced members of the Shinsengumi but gets a lot of plot important scenes in the form of flashbacks and stories about the origins of the Shinsengumi. It was pretty awkward for Hijikata to have to play match-maker for these two; like how young are they again? The main 'big bad' also gets over his grudge and literally just walks away.
His passion and willingness to adapt to the changing times are his most admirable qualities. He is also the only one to get Chizuru to be more thoughtful by encouraging her to consider the rest of the world and the wider consequences of their decisions. Sakamoto's goals and ambitions for his country are very different from those of the Shinsengumi, making him a nice foil to Hijikata and a refreshing change of pace after 9 routes tackling similar themes. His relationship to Chizuru has no proper buildup and so feels very one-sided, but the ending where they travel the world together sounds like something both of them could get behind and enjoy.
It is clear in the other routes that he is a good guy at heart, just a little intimidating at first. He has a lot of serious responsibilities to the war effort and to the Shinsengumi - his true love. So he isn't really in a position where he can commit himself to a romantic relationship or be available emotionally. He knows this and tries to cut ties with Chizuru at least once. Hijikata and Chizuru don't even officially become a thing until the very last chapter of Edo Blossoms, but by that point he has almost no time left to live. This is apparently the "official canon route" but I personally don't consider it to be the best or most probable for Chizuru.
He initially comes off as arrogant and aggressive, but is actually quite knowledgeable and honest. He holds insightful discussions with Chizuru, considers her perspective, asks her about her plans, respects her wishes, acknowledges her strengths (especially when others try to bring her down), and gives her space when it's needed. He doesn't force her to do anything that she doesn't want too and goes out of his way to keep her safe and happy; to the extent that he spends over a year trying to find a way into a dangerous war-zone just to reunite Chizuru with the Shinsengumi, whom he dislikes and is antagonistic towards. Chikage is a surprisingly grounded and caring person, but the relationship felt kinda one-sided.Chizuru never seemed to be all that into him and only gave-in at the end due to a lack of other options for a partner. There also isn't much happening for long stretches of time and all the major battles and deaths happen off-screen.
I don't like or understand why they broke a re-re-re-re-release of Hakuoki into separate parts when all previous versions have been a single title. The fact that you are buying just one part of a two part narrative should have been more prominent in the marketing for the game. When taken together though, there is a lot of content here. Perhaps too much? I had to dip in and out of this game for four years before I finally managed to finish every route. The design and color scheme for each character is very unique, ensuring that they visually stand out from each other. Fan lists for favorite Hakuoki characters online seem to vary a lot from person to person, so the writers did a good job of accommodating for different tastes. And with such a large and diverse mix of personalities present, gamers are bound to find at least one character they really like.
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