February 20, 2023

Analysis | Mass Effect 5: N7 Day 2021 Concept

It was a relatively quiet N7 Day (November 7th) this year - no surprise there, however, Bioware did drop an interesting teaser poster for the next Mass Effect game which at first glance doesn't look like much, but upon further inspection contains many small details. Of note:

  • The outline of a Geth is visible in the dirt.
  • What appears to be an eezo crater and cracks resembling the lens and glare from a Geth head.
  • Bodies resembling the Geth or Quarians are scattered around the disturbed areas.
  • A new ship with the letters SFX printed on it. The Normandy was SR1/SR2.
  • (presumably) Liara and friends walk away from the ship towards the crater.

The poster hints heavily at the Geth factoring into the next entry in a big way. If the Geth were destroyed in the red ending perhaps they are rebuilt, or an isolated group found a way to dodge the beam sent through the relays by hiding in dark space. In Andromeda, Suvi mentions how the Geth used a Mass Relay (the Kholas Array) as a makeshift telescope to observe the Andromeda galaxy for unknown reasons. Could some Geth have traveled to Andromeda? Or perhaps the Geth achieved their "ultimate goal" of creating a Dyson sphere-like object that could house every single geth program.

There are still a number of possibilities for future conflict in the Milky Way:

  • Could the cycle between organics and synthetics be restarted?
  • Is the Krogan population being managed or has the historically violent race once again gone to war?
  • Do the Yahg become a problem now that the citadel/council has been relocated/destroyed?
  • Do the Leviathans rise as puppet-masters?
  • Could the unresolved "Dark Energy" plot from Tali's recruitment quest in Mass Effect 2 have something to do with the Geth?

Update January 2022: BioWare has confirmed there are five hints in the poster.

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